Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cue Ball Control

Picture the Cue Ball as a Clock
Trying to perfect control of the cue ball? How about using the concept of telling time on a clock to help.  One approach to understanding the different angles and english a cue ball has with each hit is to picture the cue ball as a clock, hitting at the correct time. Achieving the highest level of follow, or topspin, can be done by hitting at 12:00, whereas the opposite, or draw can be done by hitting at 6:00.  The same goes for 3:00 and 9:00 to get extreme english to either the right or left, depending on where you want the cue ball to go.  Variations and combinations of english and follow or draw can be achieved from the times in between.
Give a try and see what happens. Practice hitting on each hour of the clock and take note of the results to determine what works best for you and gives you the most control of the cue ball with each hit. For other great training cue balls, visit www.billiardballsandmore.com.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Billiard Cue Ferrule

Curious about what the ferrule on a billiard cue stick is all about. The ferrule is the small section near the end of the pool stick between the tip and the pool shaft. The major purpose of the ferrule is to absorb the impact of a pool shot which will help protect the shaft from damage, including breaks and splinters. The ferrule measures between ½” to 1 ¼ “ and can be made from ivory, aegis, phenolic, plastic and metal.  Ferrules can be easy to replace by slipping on or screwing into the end of the shaft. They need to be replaced if they become cracked or loose. A defective ferrule will alter the accuracy of a shot. Check to ensure that the ferrule is smooth and slides through your fingers easily, without any catches.  

Monday, June 18, 2012

Joss Billiard Cues

Looking for precision, perfection, high quality and beauty in a billiard cue? Joss Cues is one company that offers just that in each cue that is crafted by owner Dan Janes. With over seventy years of perfecting the billiard cue making process, Joss Cues are used by both professional and celebrities, including Mike Sigel, Eddie Taylor, Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman.

Joss billiard cues are made using a hard, Triangle leather tip and a rubber bumper. The Triangle tip used is made from chrome tanned leather that retains chalk very well resulting in less miscues. Miscues are critical to the outcome of the game, so using a cue tip that provides for less miscues will help players win more games. Billiard tips tend to mushroom over time. Mushrooming occurs when the middle of the tip compresses, pushing the edge of the tip out over the ferrule. Triangle tips reduce the amount of mushrooming that occurs.

Other features of Joss Cues include a 3/4" capped ferrule, 5/16 x 14 joint, adjustable weight and Canadian Hard Rock Straight Grain Maple shaft. Joss Cues are also made in the USA and each cue includes a unique serial number on the joint. High precision machines and experienced hands come together to offer a great assortment of beautiful and fancy cues made with the highest standards in the game of billiards.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

CueSight Billiard Training Tool

Interested in taking your billiards game to the next level? The key to being a successful billiards player is to develop the skill of putting yourself in a position to pocket a ball or placing the cue ball in a way that reduces the chance that your opponent will pocket a ball. Perfecting your strike, cue spin and cue ball control takes practice but can lead to great success.

Applying a little "english" to the cue ball will allow it to spin in a way for the goal of perfect placement. Striking the cue ball slightly off center will place a certain spin on the ball depending how far off center it is hit. There are several different spins that can be placed on the cue ball, each creating the ball to move with a purpose. For anyone interested in taking on the challenge of becoming the one of the best billiards players, the CueSight Precision Training Ball combined with the CueSight laser cue might be just what you need to help improve your game. Each training tool can be used separately or combined for the best results. To check out both CueSight products visit www.billiardballsandmore.com.

The Precision CueSight Training Ball is a cue ball designed for teaching cue ball control and learning how to apply the proper "english" to the cue ball. Applying "english" to a cue ball means striking the ball with the cue stick off center, which will create the ball to spin and curve for more strategic play. This training ball is made with colors, training lines and circles to help analyze current stroke and make corrections as needed. This cue ball has two different sizes, a precision side and a spin side. The precision side allows a player to learn where to hit the ball exactly where intended. The spin side helps the player develop aiming and muscle memory for greater accuracy and efficiency.
The CueSight Laser Cue is a cue that can be used for both training purposes and regular play. The cue comes with two different shaft ends: a laser sighted end and a regular wood end. The laser end shines a crosshairs straight out of the center of the tip, directly in line with the cue. The crosshairs are portrayed on the cue ball, so as a player strikes, any inaccuracies in your stroke can be noticed and adjusted immediately.
Both of these tools work great together for almost immediate improvement as problems can be seen in real time and adjusted. The markings on the Precision CueSight Training Ball also always you to see how the ball spins as well as how far away from the center of the cue ball you can strike without having a miscue. If you have any questions concerning the Precision CueSight Training Ball or the CueSight Laser Cue, or interested in seeing other great training tools available visit www.billiardballsandmore.com. It is time to pick up your game!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Billiard Techique - Draw

The billiard technique that I talked about previously was called "follow". Now I am going to touch on a different billiard technique called "draw".  Instead of wanting the cue ball to follow the object ball after contact, sometimes it is necessary for the cue ball to move away from the object ball after impact. It is all about positioning the cue ball for the next best shot.

In order to put a back spin on the cue ball, the tip of the cue stick needs to strike the cue ball just below center. Several factors come into play that can have an affect on the draw shot. The further the distance between the cue ball and the object ball, the longer the cue ball will need to maintain its back spin. The longer the distance between the two balls, the lower and harder the strike needs to be. if the backspin ends before hitting the object ball, the cue ball will start rolling in a forward spin and will result in a follow.

The force of the strike will also determine how far back the cue ball rolls after contact. Different types of billiard table felt or the condition of the felt will also affect how effectiveness of the draw. Practicing different scenarios is the best approach to determine your control in a draw shot. The Spotted Cue Ball is a great tool for perfecting the draw shot. The training cue ball will show variations in spin with different types of strikes placed on the cue ball.

Good luck!


Monday, May 21, 2012

Billiard Ball Technique - Follow

Billiards is a game of strategy; for most players, the ultimate goal is pocketing an object ball without fouling. That in itself can be a difficult task. However, after time, a player gets more comfortable with the game and wants to become a better player; just like in any sport. There are several different techniques that a player can practice to help out. One technique that is common and a bit easier than others is called "follow".

When using "follow" the cue ball is struck above its center, causing the ball to to spin forward at a faster rate than it would spin if hit in its middle. This increased forward spin will cause the ball to continue to move forward after impact with the object ball, instead of stopping dead on contact. Several factors determine the outcome of a "follow" shot. The speed put on the cue ball, how high the cue ball is hit off its middle and how far the cue ball has to travel before it reaches the object ball. The angle a "follow" cue ball hits an object ball, determines the angle and distance the cue ball travels along its tangent line. If you are looking to place a cue ball in a position that is away from the object ball, you will need to hit the cue, applying "follow", at an angle, instead of directly dead on. 

The goal of the "follow" technique is to position the cue ball in a way that improves chances of next shot for yourself or puts the cue ball in a difficult position for opponent if no good shot is available.

Not that this needs to be told, but the best way to determine the impact "follow" has on your shot is to practice, practice, practice!!! Finding out how "follow" can help place either a cue ball or an object ball where desired will definitely improve your game!  Good luck.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Love for Billiards

I find it interesting that the game of billiards in its earliest form originated back in the 15th century when individuals played outside on the ground. I think it would be fun to go back in time and give it a try!  It's amazing how far the game and equipment has come since then. Everyone can play...I love that!!  I am a very competitive person, but billiards is also a great way to hang out with friends, meet new people, and just have fun! My best friend and I were out one night and wanted to play pool. We ended up teaming up with a fun group of people who we later found out were members of Hells Angels. Good times, great people, and a satifying win!!  Anyone else have a great billiards story?


Monday, May 14, 2012

Billiard Balls and More!

Are you looking for quality billiard products at great prices?  BilliardBallsAndMore.com has just what you are looking for! BilliardBallsAndMore.com is a website that offers top of the line products and accessories from Lucasi, Players, Predator, Aramith, Sterling and much more. Research and shop for billiard cues, billiard balls, cue balls, snooker, training tools, and billiard accessories. Products are added regularily. If you can't find a product you are looking for, be sure to leave a comment. BilliardBallsAndMore.com offers free shipping on all orders over $25.00. Follow Facebook and Twitter for extra product specials. Shop with secure ordering and customer service to provide a great customer experience. Visit BilliardBallsAndMore.com today!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

One Pocket Billiards

One Pocket Billiards is very similar to Pocket Billiards with the same rules. The main difference for One Pocket is each player chooses a designated bottom corner pocket in which to score points. A point is scored when a player puts any ball into their designated pocket. The first player to 8 points wins.
The balls can be placed in a triangle rack at random and the player that makes the break is the first to choose their pocket of choice. Each legal shot earns a point as well as another shot. A point is lost for any illegal or foul shot. Be careful, three foul shots in a row means losing the game.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Time To Play Some Billiards

I came across a list of the Top 10 Reasons to Play Billiards and wanted to share!
10. Playing pool is a creative and relaxing outlet.
9. Playing pool will give you a new appreciation for a different kind of professional sport.
- Why not learn something new! Never know what you will end up enjoy doing if you never try!
8. Learning to play pool will open creative avenues for strategic thinking.
7. Joining a pool league will help you improve your game through competition.
- A great time to get help and advice to improve your game. Everyone wants to improve!
6. Putting a pool table in your basement may get your teenagers to stay home and enjoy time with their friends at home.
- Kids and teens can enjoy the socialization, competition and fun with friends in a safe environment!
5. Pool is a sport that will stimulate your mind and body.
4. Playing pool is an enjoyable way to spend time with friends.
3. Owning your own pool table offers fun opportunities to entertain at home.
2. You can meet new friends by going to the pool hall.
1. People who play pool have a great time.
- I don't think there could be a better reason...who doesn't like having a great time with friends in a fun, relaxing atmosphere. ENJOY!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Great Billiard Training Tool

How do professionals put that perfect spin on a billiard ball to place each ball in the exact intended position??  Practice, practice, practice!!  One tool available to help players perfect putting proper “English” on a cue ball is a Sterling Professional Spotted Cue Ball. This professional cue ball has eight red dots on its surface which makes it easier to see what kind of spin is put on the ball. The patterns of the red dots help to see the effect of english, or any inconsistencies in your shot. The ball is regulation 2-1/4” in diameter and is regulation weight so when I comes time to play, you will be ready.
Practice away!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lucasi Hybrid Billiard Cue

Dark Orchid & Metallic Silver
Check out other great colors
Lucasi Hybrid Billiard Cues are high performance cues that offer technologies to help with accuracy, ball control, less vibration, reduced deflection, smoother stroke and improved comfort level. Each cue is made with the following innovations:
Cue Butt Technology -
  • four piece butt constructionoIncreased durability
  • Vibration reduction
  • Improves Accuracy
G5 Grip Technology
  • Distinctive “S” or “T” pattern that provides the player with traction and stability for increased ball control
  • Controlled "English"
X-Shox Dampening System
  • Shock-absorbing memory foam
  • Reduces impact shock
Kamui Brown Leather Tip
  • 10 layers of high quality pigskin leather
  • Reduces deflection
  • Maximum control and consistency
Zero Flexpoint
  • 12.75mm Flexpoint Hybrid shaft
  • Uniform response no matter where  on tip the ball is hit
  • Special polymer construction and a lightweight core reduces deflection
  • Superior control
Total Sweet Spot Construction (TSC)
  • 8-Piece radial construction
  • Ultimate control


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Flirt Away to a Billiards Win!

Players Cues offers a line of cues tailor-made for women. "Flirt" cues offer a stylish, chic look that can build anyone's confidence in the room. Show off with one of the many cues in the Flirt line. Flirt cues not only have great designs, they also have thinner cue butts, a slimmer professional taper, custom etched butt stoppers and a lifetime guarentee, like all Players cues.

Check out other great cues in the Flirt Line!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Goal Setting for Billiards?

I am a marathon runner and am always setting goals to improve my training to ultimately improve my race time. As I meet goals, I set new ones. It's a continuous process. I came across an article about setting goals for billiards and it caught my eye. I never thought about setting goals to improve my billiard play. I am not sure why I never thought about setting goals for billiards when I set them for so many other things.

There are so many goals to make if you want to improve your game. Setting goals for improving or increase your run, be the best player on your league or between friends, mastor a certain shot, etc. Make sure you set short term goals as well as long term goals and make them realistic. Set out a time frame to accomplish your goals and plan accordingly in order to meet them. Set a practice schedule and determine what needs to be focused on.

I would like to improve on my run of pocketed billiard shots. I currently spend more time running than playing pool but plan on uping my practice time. I would like to improve my run by one ball a week or 3 to 4 balls a month.  I might grab a Jim Rempe Training Ball or a CueSight Precision Training Ball for some help. For other great billiard supplies and training tools, visit www.billiardballsandmore.com.

Good luck with your goals!!


Monday, April 23, 2012

Billiard Cues for Beginners

There are a lot of different billiard cues available on the market and you might be having a hard time deciding which cue is best for you. Finding the perfect cue is not an easy process, it is actually more of an on-going process. If you are a beginner billiards player, a one piece cue is common. One piece cues are less expensive, which is definitely a benefit to players just starting out. No need to spend a lot of money on something if you are not sure you will stick with the game. The major downside to one-piece cues is that they may be difficult to transport, which is the reason for the introduction of two-piece cues. Two-piece cues are made up of a shaft and butt component. These two pieces are connected at the joint in the middle of the cue. Two-piece cues are more expensive but if you plan on traveling a lot with your cue, the two-piece might be a better fit for you. If you plan on playing billiards at home, a one-piece cue will work great. A two-piece cue can help in difficult, tight situations. Removing the butt portion of the cue to reduce the length can help with shots in tight corners. Visit www.billiardballsandmore.com for great cues available.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Cue for You

Interested in billiards and looking for a cue stick? Not sure what to look for?  There are some things to consider and look for when choosing a cue if you are just beginning to play the game. First off, if interest got the best of you about the game, do not go overboard on the price. Make sure that billiards is a game that you find fun and plan to keep up with before spending a lot of money on a cue. Even then, unless you want a custom cue stick, less expensive cues can win. The true talent is in the player!! 

There are two major pieces to a cue: the butt and the shaft. The shaft is the most important part to consider; the butt is more for providing its looks. Pool cues come in all different colors and designs which can add a little more fun to the game.

Cue sticks come in different weights. The butt carries the weight so try cues with different weights until you find one that you feel comfortable with. You want a cue that is easy to use, you are comfortable with and can balance well.

The shaft and tip are important for ball control. The shaft should be stiff and straight. To test for straightness, lay the cue stick on the table and roll it back and forth. Watch the shaft; a crooked stick with be very noticable. The softer the tip, the more you will feel on the cue ball. Beginners might want to start with a softer tip until better control is learned.

Several cue brands are available based on quality, price, design and  technology. Check out http://www.billiardballsandmore.com/ for great cue products. There is a cue stick for everyone!


Friday, April 13, 2012

Common Billiard Rules

Do you have a new interest in the game of billiards? There are so many great pool games and versions of the game to keep you on your toes. Many different games or versions of billiards have some rules that may vary, however, there are several common pool rules that all billiard players should know. I came across a top ten list of billiard rules from http://ishootpool.hubpages.com/hub/Top-Ten-Rules-Most-Pool-Players-Dont-Know that describes some uniform rules for all pool games, that I thought was very beneficial.

These 10 ten rules are:

10. Scratching an "Eight" Ball shot results in a loss of the game. The opponent wins by default automatically if the cue ball scratches on the eight ball.
9. Receiving tips in the middle of the game results in a foul and loss of turn.
8. It is not legal to move a ball back to original spot if accidentally bumped or brushed. This "accident" actually should result in a loss of turn.
7. If the cue ball is scratched when the object ball is pocketed, the object ball is not brought back to the table.
6. At least one foot is required to be on the floor at all times. Players are not allowed to make a shot sitting on the pool table ot positioning body in fashion that requires both feet to be off the floor. If this is required, a new shot must be attempted or the use of shot accessories are required.
5. The spot on the table where the balls are racked on is known as the "foul" mark. Any ball that is hit off the table becomes a scratch, but if a ball other than the cue ball is knocked off the table, the scratched ball is put back on the "foul" mark.
4. A foul shot has occured when an opponents ball is struck before your own ball on a shot. After the cue ball has been shot, if the cue ball hits an opponents ball first, the shot is considered to be a scratch. Several recreational billiards players do not uphold to this rule.
3. While an opponent's shot is up, it is important to not touch the pool table in any way, otherwise it may result in a fault. Your opponent might blame you as a distraction to shot. Do not touch the table, remove chalk from edge; just step back until it is your turn again.
2. Any contact between cue tip and cue ball is considered a shot, even if you accidentally hit the cue ball or need to move the cue ball for a shot. Do not use the cue tip; instead if necessary, move the cue ball with your hand.
1. Do you know the fastest way to win a pool game? Pocketing the 8-ball on the break results in the breaker automatically winning the game. Remember that any shot after the break that results in the 8-ball being pocketed before the last shot, results in the loss of the game.

This is just a list of some basic pool rules that players should be aware of. There are several other rules to be aware of but they differ based on the actually billiards game being played. Best of luck!


Monday, April 2, 2012

The Many Games of Billiards ~ Straight Pool

The list of different billiard games goes on and on with slight differences that can help reduce the monotony of one game if players are looking for something new or different. One version of billiards is Straight Pool.

During Straight Pool, each player is required to call a shot, stating a specific ball and pocket. The difference in Straight Pool is that the called shot can be for any billiard ball, regardless of solids or stripes or number of ball. The goal of the game is to be the first player to reach a predetermined point value, usually 100. Every ball that is sunk off of a called shot earns a point. Regardless of the number of balls sunk during a shot, a player will only get one point for the called shot. The first player to pocket 100 balls is the winner. It will take several different rounds of play to determine a winner.
The picture attached is a common example of how the billiard balls are racked for the Straight Pool.

Straight pool is a great game of practice as several different sunk shots are required to win. It allows players to focus on many different shots and setups as shot calls are required and the only way to earn points.
Stay tuned for other great versions of billiard games.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Fun in Aramith Billiard Balls

Not only are Aramith Billiard Balls high quality and top of the line, Aramith sets come in fun designs to make the game even more fun. My favorite novelty ball set is the Aramith Camouflage Collection Ball Set that incorporates a camouflage design in the colors on each ball. These balls are perfect for players who have interests in the military or like to hunt.  Turn your game into a mission and battlefield with this set!!!  Other novelty ball sets include the Aramith Stone Collection ball set, Marbelized ball set, Aramith Snake Print 9-Ball, Leopard Print 9-Ball and Great White Shark's Choice 8-Ball. Visit http://www.billiardballsandmore.com/ for more novelty Aramith products!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Interested in Aramith Billiard Balls?

Are you interested in finding out the difference that Aramith billiard balls have to offer?

Aramith offers a Super Aramith PRO-CUP value pack that includes several different Aramith products to try. The value pack includes a Super Aramith Pro set, a red dotted Pro-Cup Tournament Cue Ball, a Jimmy Rempe Training Ball, Aramith ball cleaner and Aramith Microfiber cloth to help keep your billiard balls polished and antistatic. This value pack combines a complete set of billiard balls, but also two training tools that can help both beginners and professionals improve his or her game.

The red dotted Pro-Cup Tournament Cue Ball is a phenolic resin cue ball that has six red dots to design the ball. These red dots help players visualize spin placed on the ball by the way the red dots move. It makes it easier to see any inconsistencies that occur in your shot.

This Jim Rempe 2-1/4" training cue ball includes a beginner side and an advanced side to assist in your training. The ball patterns will help you to see where to hit the ball in order to make it spin, will help you improve accuracy for your stroke as the cue stick strikes the cue ball, and will help with creating a rebound angle and cushion for a better position on the next shot.

Several great products combined into one!!


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Aramith Billiard Balls: It's in the Quality

Looking for top of the line billiard balls? Give Aramith products a try. 

Each Aramith billiard ball is made individually with exacting tolerances and standards in eight different areas including density, balance, diameter, roundness, color, gloss, hardness and weight. Tight controls create billiard balls that have such consistency between each ball in a set. The coloring system used is so specific that a replacement ball will match exactly to the original set; no one will know the difference. The controls and exactness found in each ball is the reason that Aramith Billiard Balls are approved internationally for both tournaments and championships; billards players want to play with the best balls available. Aramith billiard balls are also great for table owners because of the lower overall cost associated with them. Even though Aramith billiard products have a higher upfront cost, Aramith balls last significantly longer under normal play than other billiard balls. Aramith billiard balls will need to be replaced less often because of their high quailty and chip or scratch resistance.


Friday, March 23, 2012

A Deeper Look into Aramith Billiard Balls

Have you ever wondered why Aramith Billiard Balls are used by almost 80% of billiard players worldwide?
Many different features that each ball offers help set them apart from other billiard balls on the market.  One of the main features of Aramith Billiards is that the products are made from phenolic resin. Phenolic resin is a combination of chemical compounds and when manufactured, the chemical reactions cause the compounds to become united and solid. This heavy duty quality of material that forms has a breaking point of a 5 ton load which makes Aramith Billiard Balls much more durable that billiards made from polyester.
The phenolic resin also provides protection against extreme temperatures, allowing for burn spot resistance. The friction caused between the ball and the table cloth during a strike can reach temperatures around 250 degrees Celsius. Aramith billiard balls are wear resistant at these high temperatures.  Lastly, the phenolic resin offers high impact resistance for all conditions of play. Comparing impacts alone, Aramith balls can outlast polymer or polyester balls 50 to 1.
More about Aramith Billiards to follow...