Friday, April 13, 2012

Common Billiard Rules

Do you have a new interest in the game of billiards? There are so many great pool games and versions of the game to keep you on your toes. Many different games or versions of billiards have some rules that may vary, however, there are several common pool rules that all billiard players should know. I came across a top ten list of billiard rules from that describes some uniform rules for all pool games, that I thought was very beneficial.

These 10 ten rules are:

10. Scratching an "Eight" Ball shot results in a loss of the game. The opponent wins by default automatically if the cue ball scratches on the eight ball.
9. Receiving tips in the middle of the game results in a foul and loss of turn.
8. It is not legal to move a ball back to original spot if accidentally bumped or brushed. This "accident" actually should result in a loss of turn.
7. If the cue ball is scratched when the object ball is pocketed, the object ball is not brought back to the table.
6. At least one foot is required to be on the floor at all times. Players are not allowed to make a shot sitting on the pool table ot positioning body in fashion that requires both feet to be off the floor. If this is required, a new shot must be attempted or the use of shot accessories are required.
5. The spot on the table where the balls are racked on is known as the "foul" mark. Any ball that is hit off the table becomes a scratch, but if a ball other than the cue ball is knocked off the table, the scratched ball is put back on the "foul" mark.
4. A foul shot has occured when an opponents ball is struck before your own ball on a shot. After the cue ball has been shot, if the cue ball hits an opponents ball first, the shot is considered to be a scratch. Several recreational billiards players do not uphold to this rule.
3. While an opponent's shot is up, it is important to not touch the pool table in any way, otherwise it may result in a fault. Your opponent might blame you as a distraction to shot. Do not touch the table, remove chalk from edge; just step back until it is your turn again.
2. Any contact between cue tip and cue ball is considered a shot, even if you accidentally hit the cue ball or need to move the cue ball for a shot. Do not use the cue tip; instead if necessary, move the cue ball with your hand.
1. Do you know the fastest way to win a pool game? Pocketing the 8-ball on the break results in the breaker automatically winning the game. Remember that any shot after the break that results in the 8-ball being pocketed before the last shot, results in the loss of the game.

This is just a list of some basic pool rules that players should be aware of. There are several other rules to be aware of but they differ based on the actually billiards game being played. Best of luck!

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