Monday, May 21, 2012

Billiard Ball Technique - Follow

Billiards is a game of strategy; for most players, the ultimate goal is pocketing an object ball without fouling. That in itself can be a difficult task. However, after time, a player gets more comfortable with the game and wants to become a better player; just like in any sport. There are several different techniques that a player can practice to help out. One technique that is common and a bit easier than others is called "follow".

When using "follow" the cue ball is struck above its center, causing the ball to to spin forward at a faster rate than it would spin if hit in its middle. This increased forward spin will cause the ball to continue to move forward after impact with the object ball, instead of stopping dead on contact. Several factors determine the outcome of a "follow" shot. The speed put on the cue ball, how high the cue ball is hit off its middle and how far the cue ball has to travel before it reaches the object ball. The angle a "follow" cue ball hits an object ball, determines the angle and distance the cue ball travels along its tangent line. If you are looking to place a cue ball in a position that is away from the object ball, you will need to hit the cue, applying "follow", at an angle, instead of directly dead on. 

The goal of the "follow" technique is to position the cue ball in a way that improves chances of next shot for yourself or puts the cue ball in a difficult position for opponent if no good shot is available.

Not that this needs to be told, but the best way to determine the impact "follow" has on your shot is to practice, practice, practice!!! Finding out how "follow" can help place either a cue ball or an object ball where desired will definitely improve your game!  Good luck.

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