Monday, June 4, 2012

Billiard Techique - Draw

The billiard technique that I talked about previously was called "follow". Now I am going to touch on a different billiard technique called "draw".  Instead of wanting the cue ball to follow the object ball after contact, sometimes it is necessary for the cue ball to move away from the object ball after impact. It is all about positioning the cue ball for the next best shot.

In order to put a back spin on the cue ball, the tip of the cue stick needs to strike the cue ball just below center. Several factors come into play that can have an affect on the draw shot. The further the distance between the cue ball and the object ball, the longer the cue ball will need to maintain its back spin. The longer the distance between the two balls, the lower and harder the strike needs to be. if the backspin ends before hitting the object ball, the cue ball will start rolling in a forward spin and will result in a follow.

The force of the strike will also determine how far back the cue ball rolls after contact. Different types of billiard table felt or the condition of the felt will also affect how effectiveness of the draw. Practicing different scenarios is the best approach to determine your control in a draw shot. The Spotted Cue Ball is a great tool for perfecting the draw shot. The training cue ball will show variations in spin with different types of strikes placed on the cue ball.

Good luck!

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