Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Goal Setting for Billiards?

I am a marathon runner and am always setting goals to improve my training to ultimately improve my race time. As I meet goals, I set new ones. It's a continuous process. I came across an article about setting goals for billiards and it caught my eye. I never thought about setting goals to improve my billiard play. I am not sure why I never thought about setting goals for billiards when I set them for so many other things.

There are so many goals to make if you want to improve your game. Setting goals for improving or increase your run, be the best player on your league or between friends, mastor a certain shot, etc. Make sure you set short term goals as well as long term goals and make them realistic. Set out a time frame to accomplish your goals and plan accordingly in order to meet them. Set a practice schedule and determine what needs to be focused on.

I would like to improve on my run of pocketed billiard shots. I currently spend more time running than playing pool but plan on uping my practice time. I would like to improve my run by one ball a week or 3 to 4 balls a month.  I might grab a Jim Rempe Training Ball or a CueSight Precision Training Ball for some help. For other great billiard supplies and training tools, visit

Good luck with your goals!!

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