Saturday, May 12, 2012

Time To Play Some Billiards

I came across a list of the Top 10 Reasons to Play Billiards and wanted to share!
10. Playing pool is a creative and relaxing outlet.
9. Playing pool will give you a new appreciation for a different kind of professional sport.
- Why not learn something new! Never know what you will end up enjoy doing if you never try!
8. Learning to play pool will open creative avenues for strategic thinking.
7. Joining a pool league will help you improve your game through competition.
- A great time to get help and advice to improve your game. Everyone wants to improve!
6. Putting a pool table in your basement may get your teenagers to stay home and enjoy time with their friends at home.
- Kids and teens can enjoy the socialization, competition and fun with friends in a safe environment!
5. Pool is a sport that will stimulate your mind and body.
4. Playing pool is an enjoyable way to spend time with friends.
3. Owning your own pool table offers fun opportunities to entertain at home.
2. You can meet new friends by going to the pool hall.
1. People who play pool have a great time.
- I don't think there could be a better reason...who doesn't like having a great time with friends in a fun, relaxing atmosphere. ENJOY!

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