Thursday, April 4, 2013

Billiard Cue Weights

Ever wonder the reason for different weights of billiard cues?  Pool stick weights can range anywhere from 18 ounces to 21 ounces.  Not one weight is better than a lighter or heavier cue, it is all based on personal preference.  The best way to determine what perfect pool cue weight for you is to experiment.  Try different weights to find which one works best for you.  
If cue ball speed is important, momentum is key.  Momentum is a result of the combination of the pool cue mass and the speed of the cue.  If a player has a consistent cue speed, a heavier cue will result in a faster cue ball upon contact.  If using the same cue, where the weight is consistent, the speed of the cue ball will be determined by how fast or how slow the cue speed is.
A heavier cue may make it easier to keep on line during a stroke.  For this reason, beginners might want to try starting off with a 20 or 21 ounce cue for control.  Be careful though, heavier cues are known for more miscues and unwanted english.  As a player’s technique and skill level improve, a lighter pool cue may be optimal.
There are many differing opinions as to which weight is the best and most accurate.  The most important thing that you can do as a billiards player is to find the pool cue and cue weight that is best for you.  Visit local pool establishments, rent a billiard cue or borrow a pool stick to try as many different cue stick weights as possible.  As skill level improves, the optimum weight of a pool cue may also change. 
If you are looking for cues with different weight options, has several pool cues to choose from.  Find the best billiard cue for you!

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